Co-sponsored Research Fellowships

With the European University Institute in Florence, Italy

Since 2007, the Canon Foundation in Europe and the European University Institute in Florence jointly award 1 Canon Foundation Fellowship each year for post-doctoral research at the EUI.

In this programme, one Japanese national or permanent resident of Japan will go to Florence, Italy, to carry out post-doctoral research. Information on research areas can be obtained from the European University Institute website. The selected candidate will participate in the  Max Weber programme.

Please email the Canon Foundation in Europe secretariat for any questions which you may have. Interested candidates should apply directly for the Max Weber programme following instructions on the EUI website by the 18 October deadline.


The Fellowships are intended to support post-doctoral research by academics in the early stages of their professional career, in any of the research areas of the European University Institute. The Fellowships are open to candidates who have successfully defended their Ph.D. at the time of the start of the Fellowship (1 September each year).

Appropriate extensions to the five year rule will be allowed in the case of applicants whose academic career has been interrupted because of maternity leave or illness. In particular, for each maternity leave, an additional year will be permitted, while in the case of a long or recurrent illness, the total period of illness may be taken into account in calculating eligibility. Explanation of such circumstances should be included in the application. Supporting documents will be requested from candidates proposed for selection.


Candidates of Japanese nationality or permanent residence are eligible for the Fellowships.

Duration of the Fellowships

The Fellowships are for the duration of one year, from September to August.


The stipend is € 2,500 per month. Successful applicants benefiting from other grants or salaries must disclose this to the Canon Foundation in Europe and the European University Institute, as the amount of the Fellowship will be fixed at a lower rate (€ minimum 1,750 per month) in function of the additional income.

Family allowance

A household allowance of up to 310 EUR per month is paid to Fellows with a partner if the partner lives with them in Florence and on condition that the partner's income is less than 2,000 EUR per month. The sum of income and allowance cannot exceed 2,000 EUR per month (i.e. if the income is more than 1,690 EUR, the allowance will be paid only to top up to 2,000 EUR).

There is a dependent’s allowance of 210 EUR per month for each dependent child if they live with the Fellow in Florence.

Fellows are entitled to these allowances if they are not receiving any similar allowance from another source, and on presentation of relevant documents (marriage certificate or a document that proves that you are living together in Florence, birth certificates).

A school or university certificate is required for dependent children in full-time education and over the age of 18.

The MWP operates a parental leave policy whereby Fellows who have a child during their Fellowship are eligible to up to four months paid parental leave, with their Fellowship being extended accordingly. Fellows who will have a child between notification of the award of the Fellowship and its commencement the following September may request to defer the Fellowship for a year.

Travel expenses

Fellows (but not their families) receive one tourist class return trip from their home town to Florence (calculated not to exceed € 1,200).

Removal/installation expenses

There is no extra provision for removal or installation expenses.


The Fellowships are not taxed by the European University Institute or the Canon Foundation in Europe. Fellows are, however, required to comply with any other tax provisions which may be applicable to them.

Medical and liability insurance

Fellows must have adequate medical and liability insurance cover during their stay at the European University Institute. They should either provide proof of their own insurance scheme or subscribe to the European University Institute's private sickness and health insurance scheme (at their own expense). The conditions of the European University Institute's insurance scheme are available from the Academic Service of the Institute.


Fellows should have a good knowledge of the languages most relevant to their proposed research, and a working knowledge of English.


Fellows are required to reside in Florence for the duration of their Fellowship in order that they may take an active part in the academic activities of the European University Institute.


The research done during the Fellowship should lead to a publication, either under the European University Institute’s imprint, e.g. in the form of a working paper, or in a journal, or with an appropriate publishing house. Topics must fall within the European University Institute’s research areas.

Acknowledgments and personal details

The Canon Foundation in Europe and the European University Institute will be acknowledged in any publication resulting from the period. The Fellow allows his/her name and personal details as contact address and career moves to be registered with other Canon Fellows in publications and on the Canon Foundation website.

Visa and travel arrangements

The Fellow takes care of the visa arrangement and can ask the European University Institute for assistance. The Canon Foundation in Europe will send a statement to the Fellow to be used for visa application. The Fellow makes his/her own travel arrangements.


The European University Institute housing office can assist in finding accommodation.